Welcome to Autumn 2022
Welcome to the latest edition of Conservation News. It’s been an incredible summer hasn’t it?
We’ve had record breaking temperatures that have left us fighting to preserve our gardens and struggling to cool down our homes.
Still, that’s all over now and we can get ready to swap fans for fi res and sun hats for umbrellas! If you’re anything like me you’ll be really looking forward to this time of year: the cooler weather, the beautiful colours of the trees and prospect of cosy nights in around the fire.
To get you ready for everything autumn has to offer we’ve put together features on choosing or maintaining your fireplace, re-tiling ready for winter, weather proofi ng your windows and more; not to mention handy tips for an autumn garden and a host of local businesses that we trust to make your social and home life run seamlessly this quarter.
So settle back by the fire and enjoy the sound of falling rain while you peruse this edition of our autumn magazine.
Click the cover to read the Autumn 2022 issue:

Posted in: General